Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Our final is scheduled by the University for Monday, December 16 at 11am. 
There has been a discussion of having a Potluck on that day, which is perfectly fine by me.
We will discuss this prior to finals.

Attendance is mandatory.

During our allotted time you will be returned your final project (unless I choose it to showcase it in the hallway display), receive your final grade (which will already be entered into SAIL), and be asked to discuss the course as it progressed over the semester. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Case Studies

iPhone App case studies. 
An in-depth review of how some apps are developed.


iOS Human Interface Guidelines

Apple’s Design Guidelines for iOS7 covered in the following sections:
  1. UI Design Basics 
  2. Design Strategies
  3. iOS Technologies
  4. UI Elements
  5. Icon and Image Design

Project 2

The due date for the App has been pushed back to November 18.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

HTML Resources

Tincta 2.0 (purple octopus)

Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8

W3Schools (online lessons/practice/information)

HTML5: The Missing Manual Paperback
by Matthew MacDonald

Responsive Web Design Book
Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 
by Ben Frain

Monday, October 28, 2013

Good article to read for this current project : ) via Diana Caragan

Sketching For Better Mobile Experiences

Mobile user experience design is maturing. One way to gauge this is to look at the tools at our disposal. Prototyping tools such as Balsamiq, Axure and Fireworks enable us to build wireframes and click-dummies, helping us to explain the targeted user experience. Cross-browser frameworks such as PhoneGap, Zurb Foundation and jQuery Mobile help us to create prototypes using the native languages of the Web: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Dimensions & PSD file

When designing your App, set up your canvas size to 1136 px by 640 px
Download the User Interface for the iPhone 5s iOS7 at the following page: